At Unread Why, we intend to deliver fact-based and reliable news coverage from all over the globe. Our researchers and informants are committed to verifying and fact-checking data from various authentic sources before publishing it on our sites. However, in case of inaccuracies, the publications will amend and edit changes as deemed necessary. Our editorial guidelines explicitly require all content to be accurate, with a commitment to verifying all facts before publication.
This media corporation maintains editorial independence and promises to be free from undue influences from sponsors, advertisers, and third-party sources. At Unread Why, we intend to present unbiased facts and articles that are not subjected to any favouritism in any form or kind. Our editorial processes are protected from any commercial, political, or corporate pressure, ensuring neutrality in our reporting. We maintain accountability by actively correcting errors and being transparent about any inaccuracies in our content.
We at Unread Why fully comprehend and respect the privacy of individuals and groups featured and discussed in our reporting. We intend to publish only the parts that are approved by the respective parties, particularly in sensitive situations and circumstances. The researchers and writers of Unread Why fully adhere to ethical guidelines and legal formalities regarding collecting and disclosing personal information and data. We respect the confidentiality and anonymity of our sources and ensure that any requests for anonymity are granted with appropriate protections.
The writers, researchers, and editors at Unread Why are held accountable to the highest ethical standards of professional conduct. We intend to maintain the trust of our readers by being unbiased and transparent by adhering to integrity and professionalism. At Unread Why, we hold ourselves fully accountable and take responsibility for the impact and consequences of our reporting. All contributors, including journalists, editors, and external writers, are expected to adhere to these ethical guidelines and maintain the highest standards of conduct.
This media corporation is committed to learning and innovation, along with incessant improvement in our journalistic practices and mojo. We maintain an extensive feedback page and a page dedicated to tipping us and leading us to the unread. Our researchers are proactive in addressing challenges that are encountered during reporting and uncovering stories. Unread Why is fully supportive and embracive towards newer and creative technology by sticking to ethical frameworks to fulfil our collective responsibility of professional journalism. We are committed to fostering diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our journalism, actively seeking to represent a wide range of perspectives and experiences.
Set of Guidelines for Journalistic Content, Distribution, and Conduct
Unread Why adheres to internationally recognized journalistic standards and codes of conduct, such as those outlined by the Society of Professional Journalists and the International Press Institute. We have developed and maintain an internal set of editorial guidelines, which are overseen by a dedicated editorial team, ensuring strict adherence to ethical standards. These guidelines clearly define the roles and responsibilities of journalists, editors, and contributors to ensure transparent and accountable reporting at every stage of the publication process.
Responsibility for Guidelines
The editorial guidelines are developed and overseen by our Editorial Board, which includes senior journalists, editors, and legal advisors. The Editorial Board is responsible for reviewing and updating the guidelines regularly to ensure that our practices remain aligned with current ethical standards.
Expectations for Contributor Behaviour
All contributors, including journalists, editors, and external writers, are expected to adhere to these ethical guidelines and maintain the highest standards of conduct. This includes avoiding bias, ensuring accuracy, and upholding the integrity of our reporting. Any violation of these guidelines will result in appropriate disciplinary actions.
Clear Structure of Editorial Responsibility
Our editorial structure is designed to ensure accountability at every stage of the publication process. Each article goes through a multi-layered editorial review, with responsibility clearly assigned to each editor, writer, and researcher involved. The final editorial decisions are made by the senior editorial team to maintain consistency and integrity in our reporting.
Protection Against Conflicts of Interest
Unread Why maintains clear guidelines to prevent real, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest. Our editorial staff are prohibited from engaging in any activities or relationships that may compromise their objectivity or impartiality. This includes business, political, or personal interests. Any conflicts of interest are disclosed publicly when they arise, and the editorial team will ensure that these conflicts do not influence editorial decisions.
Editorial Processes Free from Undue Influence
We ensure that our editorial processes are protected from undue influence, both internally and externally. This includes safeguarding editorial content from any commercial, political, or corporate pressure that may affect the neutrality of our reporting.
AI or Algorithmic Content
Any content generated wholly or partly by means of artificial intelligence (AI) or algorithmic processes will be clearly indicated to our audience. We strive to maintain transparency in all forms of content presentation, ensuring readers understand the source and methodology behind each piece of content.
Provisions Against Harassment, Hate Speech, Privacy Invasions, and Defamation
We ensure that all comment material published on our platforms is free from harassment, hate speech, invasions of privacy, and defamation. Our editorial guidelines require all comments and user-generated content to be respectful and adhere to the principles of civil discourse. Any content that violates these principles will be promptly removed.
Anonymity of Sources
We respect the confidentiality and anonymity of our sources. When anonymity is requested by a source, it is granted only when there is a valid, compelling reason, and the editorial team ensures that all necessary measures are taken to protect the identity of sources.
Sponsored Content
Any sponsored content will be clearly labeled as such, with a distinct visual marker to differentiate it from editorial content. Our editorial team ensures that sponsored content does not influence our news coverage, maintaining a clear distinction between news and commercial content.
Diversity Policy
Unread Why is committed to fostering diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our journalism. Our editorial guidelines include provisions to ensure that a wide range of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences are represented in our reporting. We actively seek to diversify our team and coverage, aiming to reflect the diverse voices of the global community.