Everything To Know About 8 Uncanny Similarities Between Hindu And Greek Mythology

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Mythology? you must be aware of right? The collection of short stories about various gods regarding a certain cultural belief.  There are several mythologies in the world which can be seen starting from Norse to Greek to Hindu; each one has its own unique characteristic, which also helps someone to gain a deep insight into a particular culture; however, do you know there are some uncanny similarities which have been seen on Hindu Mythology and Greek Mythology ? in this article such eight similarities will be talked upon.

Similarities between Indra and Zeus

Indra and Zeus are both king of gods in the Hindu and Greek religions, respectively. There are a couple of similarities which have been seen regarding both of them. One is that both of them are God of thunder, and both of them carry a thunderbolt. Also, both of them have slain a sea monster. In Indra’s case, it is the serpent Vritra, and for Zeus is Typhon. Despite the difference regarding the name, the character of the sea monster is also heavily similar. However, not only the king but also there are similarities regarding the queen!

Similarities  between Sita and Persephone

Sita, the female protagonist of the Hindu epic mythology Ramayana and the queen of Ayodhya and Persephone, the queen of the underworld, both have some uncanny similarities that have been noticed. The first is both were abducted against their will by Ravana and Hades, respectively. Their final fate is also eerie similar as both decided to disappear under the earth to save their honour.

However, not only Ramayana, but do you know another Hindu epic mythology also had an uncanny resemblance with a Greek epic myth?

Similarities between Arjuna and Achilles

Arjuna and Achilles were both the main protagonists of the epics Mahabharata and Illyad, respectively. Despite both being fearsome skilled warriors and having great skill with arrows, there are a couple of more similarities which have been noticed for both of them.

One is that both refuse to participate in the war in the first place for which they became famous. For Arjuna, it was the Kurukshetra War and for Achilles, it was the Trojan War. Both have also lost their loved ones in this war.Arjuna lost Abhimanyu his son and Achilles lost Patroclus his best friend. Both also killed the people who were the main culprits in the killing.

However, speaking about love, do you know both mythologies also have a similar resemblance regarding this aspect?

Similarities between Kamadeva and Cupid

Both of them are God of love and desire, and besides this, both of their tactics are also similar to make people fall in love as both of them shoot arrows in the hearts of people in this process, and both of them also have a wing that is being behind there back.

Not only regarding love, there are common similarities between Hindu and Greek mythology, but the similarities can be seen in the matter of death also.

Similarities between Yama and Hades

One of the similarities is that both of them are God of death in their respective religion. Besides this, there are more similarities which have been seen regarding them as both of them reside in the netherworld and both decided the fate of the souls by passing it off to the realm.

Also, it is seen that both of them are deeply concerned with the matter of justice. Both have also had an attendant who stays with them the whole time. Both also allocate people to the places in the realm based on their actions during their lives.

Do you know not only are the similarities which both mythologies have but also the messenger of God in both religions is heavily similar to each other in terms of characteristics especially.

Similarities between Narada and Hermes

Not only is the similar thing that both of them are messengers of God, but both also have a similar characteristic in this process as it is seen that both of them are shrewd and cunning. Both also have a prime characteristic of tricking and misleading people with their words. Besides the characters another similarity regarding them which has been between both is that they both are the son of the most powerful God in the universe on their respective mythology.

Since we talked about the messenger of God, do you know the holy trinity or the most important Gods are also similar in both of these mythology?

Similarities between The Holy Trinity

In the Hindu religion, the holy trinity is comprised of Brahma Vishnu Maheshwar, whereas in Greek Mythology, it is Zeus, Hades and Poseidon. One of the major similarities which have been seen besides their powers is that in both religions, it is stated they are the ruler of the heavens, underworld and seas.

The last but not least portion meanwhile will be ended by projecting similarities regarding a female God who has a significant place in their respective religion.

Similarities between Athena and Saraswati

Not only the similarities regarding them that they are God of wisdom, but also, in this process, the characters in each of their respective mythology are also heavily similar. Both of them are smart thinkers and are known for conducting effective strategies, especially in war. Both of them also in this process inspire people to value there knowledge and education to make the world a better place in this process.

Brief description of Hindu and Greek mythology.

Hindu Mythologies is a collection of stories and beliefs which are primarily centred around the Hindu religion. The stories can be found in a variety of texts, most notably in Puranas and the epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata. Most scholars believe that the mythologies originated between 2300 BC and 1500 BC.

Greek mythologies, meanwhile, is a collection of stories about the gods, heroes and rituals of ancient Greece. The earliest Greek myths, as speculated by scholars, were passed down during the bronze age orally by Minoan and Mycenaean singers. Some prominent examples of the Greek mythologies can be depicted as Illiad and Odyssey.


What are the similarities between Indra and Zeus?

Both Indra and Zeus are the kings of their respective gods in Hindu and Greek mythology . They are both associated with thunder, carry thunderbolts, and have slain a sea monster.

How are Sita and Persephone similar?

Both Sita and Persephone were abducted against their will and ultimately disappeared under the earth to save their honor.

What are the similarities between Arjuna and Achilles?

Arjuna and Achilles were both main protagonists of epic mythology, known for their skill with arrows. They both refused to participate in war at first, lost loved ones, and killed those responsible for their deaths.

What are the similarities between Kamadeva and Cupid?

Both are gods of love and desire, use arrows to make people fall in love, and have wings.

How are Yama and Hades similar?

Both Yama and Hades are gods of death, reside in the netherworld, decide the fate of souls, and are concerned with justice. They also have attendants and allocate people to different realms based on their actions.

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