Evidence Of Life Beyond Our Planet? NASA’s Europa Clipper Mission  

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NASA’s Europa Clipper Mission 

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is a US government agency responsible for conducting civil space programs, space research and aeronautics research. Currently, NASA announced that they will be launching its Europa Clipper probe on October 10, 2024, and the main intention of this mission is to identify whether there are places underneath the surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa that may support life. The search for life beyond Earth has been driving NASA to conduct space-related discoveries.   That is why, in contemporary years, this well-known space agency has been working on developing strategies to fulfil this objective.

Scientists and their eagerness to learn about the planets that could sustain life may open up any trace of life in the near future beyond our planet. This has propelled NASA to launch Europa Clipper to conduct in-depth scientific exploration on Jupiter’s Moon Europa, which may open up new avenues for identifying any possible existence of life. Scientists predict that Europa, which has a salty ocean underneath its icy crust, may comprise vital nutrients that are required to sustain life. For this reason, the “Europa Clipper” Mission would be a key move for NASA in the domain of figuring out life beyond Earth.

Nominal timeline of the Europa Clipper Mission  

 The Europa Clipper Spacecraft will launch in October 2023 and will conduct a comprehensive survey of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa to identify whether there are places beneath the surface that may sustain life or not. The Clipper probe will arrive at Jupiter in 2030, and it will conduct around 50 flybys around Jupiter’s Moon Europa, shifting its path of flight after each revolution. This way, it will analyse the entire Europa.  Furthermore, Europa Clipper may possibly flyby at low altitudes via plums of water vapour blow up from the moon’s ice crust, hence sampling its surface ocean without landing on the surface.   

Design of Europa Clipper

The Europa Clipper contains large radar antennas and solar arrays, which is the largest spacecraft that NASA has ever developed for a space mission. The solar arrays are designed in a way that will acquire enough solar energy to meet its requirements since conducting planetary missions around Jupiter, which is five times far from the Earth not an easy task.  

Apart from that, the Europa Clipper mission is equipped with nine instruments to evaluate chemistry, geology, ocean and habitability.  The spacecraft will be around 5 meters in height. Since Europa have a high amount of radiation ensnared in Jupiter’s magnetic field, a payload of Europa Clipper and other vital instruments will be surrounded in a thick enclosed vault.  This is made of aluminum and titanium, which will protect the spacecraft against high-energy atomic particles.   

The foremost reason that drove NASA to choose Jupiter’s Moon, Europa

Jupiter’s moon, Europa, is found to be one of the most favourable places in our solar system to search for any signs of life. For any life form to sustain for a long duration, the vital ingredients that are required are liquid water, energy and chemistry. Jupiter’s icy Moon Europa could have these vital ingredients, which are the factors that attracted NASA’s attention to conduct a comprehensive exploration on Europa via Europa Clipper. Scientists tend to look for life on planets where adequate time has passed for life to emerge and thrive.

Furthermore, liquid water is identified to be one of the key ingredients for life, and Jupiter’s Moon Europa has a salty ocean underneath its icy crust where hydrothermal activity may be possible, which could supply chemical nutrients that are vital for living organisms. The liquid water dissolves key neurites for organisms to transport vital chemicals in living cells and supports metabolism, which is key for such cells to sustain.

Scientists are assured that at the bottom of Europa’s ocean, there is a rocky seafloor. That is why there may be a higher possibility of hydrothermal activity.  The clipper mission has three main objectives: to comprehend the nature of ice shells, the ocean beneath the Europa, and its composition. Through exploring Europa, scientists may effectively comprehend the astrobiological capability of habitable planets.  


What is Europa?

Jupiter’s moon, Europa, is found to be one of the most favourable places in our solar system to search for any signs of life. For any life form to sustain for a long duration, the vital ingredients that are required are liquid water, energy and chemistry. Jupiter’s icy Moon Europa could have these vital ingredients and be as old as Earth.

What will the Europa Clipper do?

The Europa Clipper Spacecraft will launch in October 2023 and will conduct a depth survey of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa to identify whether there are places beneath the surface that may sustain life or not.

When will Europa Clipper launch?

The Europa Clipper Spacecraft will launch in October 2023 and will conduct a depth survey of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa to identify whether there are places beneath the surface that may sustain life or not. The Clipper probe will arrive at Jupiter in 2030, and it will conduct around 50 flybys around Jupiter’s Moon Europa, shifting its path of flight after each revolution.


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