Exploring The New Era Of Lucasfilm Games Adaptation From Star Wars To Indiana Jones

By Editor Team
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Do you know Lucasfilm Games, the studio which is responsible for producing and licensing the games of  Star Wars and Indiana Jones in the past, once again has come back into the picture after being shut down by Disney  ?. However, I bet a question has also come into your mind: why this division of Lucasfilm has once again been revived by Disney? And what are the new things as a gamer you can expect now? And if some impact regarding the return of the studio has been seen or not? Both your answers will be given in this article. However, the company may not have come back by Disney if EA hadn’t pushed them for it.

How EA’s blunder revived Lucasfilm Games

If you have played Star Wars games in the past, you must have known that each and every game is produced by EA. However, this has changed in the present era as now various studios besides EA, like Ubisoft and Telltale, are making games based on this epic space opera series.  Due to Lucasfilm is now licensing these games to various other studios, and this is the major change which has been stated by the fans, describing it as a new era. However, EA or precisely the blunders which they have caused is the sole responsible for it.

The major blunder they caused is in the 2017 game Star Wars Battlefront 2. The game itself was criticized by fans for having poor storyline and gameplay; however, the massive criticism which was seen is the greedy approach of the company. As on the entire game, for buying weapons or accessories or unlocking characters the players had to spend a high amount of money of their own.

The backlash was so much regarding it that EA had to take the purchase option out of the game. However not only this incident of EA caused the revival of Lucasfilm Games by Disney. Their laziness regarding this franchise is also one of the main reasons. This can be seen by the number of Star Wars games the company has brought in the span of 8 years from 2013 to 2021 :

Game TitleRelease YearGenre
Star Wars: Battlefront2015First-Person Shooter
Star Wars: Battlefront II2017First-Person Shooter
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order2019Action-Adventure
Star Wars: Squadrons2020Space Combat Simulator

A prominent studio like EA has various subsidiaries like BioWare, Criterion, and Visceral Games; one can expect that for a big name like Star Wars, EA will at least provide 7-8 games in the span of 8 years. However, it looked like they were never serious about this franchise. Had EA been a little bit serious about Star Wars, Disney wouldn’t have had to cancel their deal with EA games in 2021 when the deal was supposed to be till 2023, as they signed a 10-year deal in 2013.

Besides that, EA has numerous times cancelled various Star Wars games in the span of 8 years, especially the game of Amy Henning, who is one of the creative minds of the critically acclaimed game Uncharted. The reasons being stated are due to financial issues. However, for fans and gaming experts, this excuse is hard to swallow as they have a strong financial backbone.

The approach towards Star Wars, as reported by various insiders, was full of negligence was one of the main causes for Disney to revive  Lucasfilm Games and, end their deal with EA and make way for a new era by allowing the license of Star Wars franchise to various other gaming studios.

However, in this process, another question definitely comes what to expect from Star Wars games now after the return of Lucasfilm Games?

What to expect from this new era of Lucasfilm Games?

One of the main things fans like you can expect from Lucasfilm Games after their return, is that different genres of Star Wars games can be produced now, from RPG to multiplayer to open world, as they are now licensing their games to various other gaming studios who loves to experiment with different genres. As previously on EA, Star Wars games were mainly based on first-person shooter games.

This diversified approach to the Star Wars games will certainly provide a new experience for gamers in there gaming experience and help them to dive into the rich lore of this intergalactic space opera franchise. The diversified approaches to Star Wars games are already being seen in games such as Star Wars Outlaws, which is an open-world game.

Another major thing the fans can expect from the revival of the new era of Lucasfilm Games is that now the focus will be not only based on Star Wars, with other prominent franchises of Lucasfilms will be given similar attention. This is seen by the upcoming game The Great Circle, which is based on the Indiana Jones franchise, which is scheduled to release on December 9, 2024, on Windows Xbox Series with a PlayStation 5 set for 2025 release.

This also marks the return of Indiana Jones Games after 15 years. Now, this are the expectations which you can get from Lucasfilm Games; however, already some impact is being seen regarding the return of this gaming division of LucasFilm, which you are certainly going to love.

The impact of the new era of Lucasfilm Games

One of the prominent impacts which the fans have seen in this process is that their gaming experience has now drastically changed in this process. The gaming studio has pushed the boundaries of the gaming segment by incarnating various AR/VR experiences. The fans of Star Wars also, for a long amount of time when the rights of the gaming for this franchise was owned by EA were being plagued with storytelling graphics and gameplay, which was not up to mark for a franchise like Star Wars.

However, fans in this process are now seeing how storytelling graphics and gameplay have drastically changed ever since the studio was once again been revived by Disney and started to license games to other studios. They now see the storytelling being engaging, the graphics being stunning, and lastly, the gameplay is totally innovative.


Why did Disney revive game division of Lucasfilm ?

Disney revived it due to EA’s mismanagement of the Star Wars franchise. EA’s focus on microtransactions and lack of innovative gameplay led to fan backlash and poor-quality games.

What is the impact of Lucasfilm Games’ revival on Star Wars games?

The revival of it has led to a more diverse range of Star Wars games, with different genres and studios involved. This has resulted in improved storytelling, graphics, and gameplay.

What other Lucasfilm franchises will benefit from the revival of their game division ?

In addition to Star Wars, other Lucasfilm franchises like Indiana Jones will also benefit from the revival. The upcoming Indiana Jones game, developed by MachineGames, is a testament to this.

How has the gaming experience for Star Wars fans changed with Lucasfilm Games’ revival?

The gaming experience for Star Wars fans has significantly improved. The focus on quality storytelling, innovative gameplay, and stunning visuals has made Star Wars games more immersive and enjoyable.

What can we expect from future Star Wars games?

We can expect a diverse range of Star Wars games, including open-world RPGs, space combat simulators, and more. their partnership with various studios will bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the franchise.

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