Causes of extreme weather events across the globe
Extreme weather events include unseasonal weather, which is often caused by tropical cyclones, heat waves, and storm events. The impact of extreme weather events in nations is quite often significant as it causes the rise of loss of human lives, economic cost, landslides, floods, and severe weather, which also cause considerable risks to human existence.
Weather patterns are widely varied from one location to another location. For instance, extreme weather events are often encouraged due to the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) or “North Atlantic Oscillation”(NAO), which are two significant phenomena that also influence weather patterns globally.
There are also several other reasons that have contributed to the significant altercation in the weather of different continents, like climate change. Many scientists have also stated that climate change causes heavy rainfall in some regions, and drought periods have intensified due to this reason. This worsens the situation across the globe. Climate models show that rising temperatures could make extreme weather conditions more aggressive in the near future.
Do extreme weather events help in planning for green energy use?
From severe storms to cold and heat waves, extreme weather conditions have also had a profound influence on the utilization of grid operations and electricity usage. Over the years, the energy sources that powered the energy grids have evolved, assimilating considerable percentages of green energy sources.
This development in the weather and power grid is raising new questions regarding the interaction between these two aspects and ways to maintain and enhance grid reliability as the share of weather-driven green energy upsurges. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has categorized extreme weather events into two categories: One is “high impact events” such as heat waves, midlatitude storms, tropical systems, and heat waves, and another one occurs due to periods of low green energy resource availability along with high energy demand besides high resources along with low demand.
When it comes to extreme weather events, people naturally imagine their adverse impact on their lives and existence. Nevertheless, NREL revealed that certain extreme weather conditions could assist in the utilization of renewable energy since solar energy and wind blowing remain present even during extreme weather conditions. Locations where heat waves are quite extreme and extended during the summer months, could trigger a high gird load, which facilitates high levels of solar energy generation. Likewise, strong wind blowing can power windmills, which could meet the need for energy, which has constantly increased over the years induced by industrialization and sudden upsurge in the requirement for energy among different sectors.
Green Energy Sources
Wind Energy

Wind energy has become one of the major viable alternatives to non-renewable energy sources and also a considerable producer of green energy in different nations around the globe. Offshore and Onshore windmills are capable of producing substantial amounts of clean energy which cater to the needs and requirements of energy which has increased over the decades. The wind turbines are designed in a way that converts the kinetic energy of the rotating blades into electric energy that meets ever increased energy requirements in various continents.
Solar Energy

Solar Energy is another substitute for non-renewable energy sources, and this sort of energy is capable of generating heat, electricity, natural lighting, and cooling. Solar Panels have been widely utilized for harnessing energy from sunlight, which is further converted into electric energy. Over the years, the rate of adoption of solar panels for producing green energy has been dramatically enhanced since the cost of integrating photovoltaic (PV) cells has declined at a sharp margin. This highlights that in upcoming years, the propensity of different nations, which are particularly facing concerns pertaining to producing clean energy, could utilize solar energy as a better alternative.
Geothermal Energy

Geothermal Energy is heat that is produced within the Earth, and it combines energy from radioactive decay and from the formation of the Earth. The heat that is produced by Magma is melted rock and heats nearby rocks. As a result, hot water can be released via hot springs, geysers, and mud pots. Therefore, heat that is expanded into the Earth’s surface can be utilized to generate clean electricity. In recent years, many nations have developed effective strategies to harness geothermal energy, which meets energy needs and requirements.