Is There A Truth To The Tale Of Same-Caste Marriages And Birth Deformities?

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Same-caste marriage age-old tradition

Is there a hidden truth to the age-old tradition of same-caste marriages? Most of the people preferred to marry in the same cast. Many surveys show and express the mindset of people especially the parents to marry their girl child within the same caste. As per them, it was helpful for them to adapt to culture or rituals easily and helpful for their future life. However, studies show that in India at the present time, the burden of genetic disorders has increased in number as a lot of birth deformities are reported currently. According to experts, same-caste marriages are one of the major reasons behind this.

From government data, it was reported that the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare reported inherited disorders like Thalassemia, Sickle Cell anemia and Down syndrome. This disease number was increasing in India and the government is considering releasing a policy of National Policy for Rare Diseases (NPRD) in the year 2021 in March. The aim of this policy is to lower the number of these diseases. On this aspect, it was further illustrated that around 50 lakhs of patients in the present time were suffering from different rare diseases.

Beliefs of Indians regarding same-caste marriage

Do you know what ancient Indian texts illustrate about marriage? The earliest text of India Rig Veda did not strictly enforce same-caste marriages. However, it said about to marry within one’s varna. On the other hand Manusmriti it was also highlighted the same aspects regarding marriage and said to marry outside one’s cast. As it brings social issues or deformities along with other consequences. However, in Arthashastra were told about the importance of marrying in one’s own varna or jati. Along with this inter-caste marriages were acknowledged in this period of time. However, over time these aspects were changed and social norms or cultural practices influenced same-caste marriages in India.

Same-caste marriage (Endogamy) was practised among South Indians for decades. It was an age-old tradition of this region of the nation. According to their beliefs, it was helpful to preserve the caste identity or purity of the caste.

In history do you know a lot of royal families practised inbreeding? Habsburgs family and Ptolemaic Egyptians as it was observed that for these reasons in their families, the royal heir was born with numerous deformities. The Habsburg family for a limited gene pool born with distinctive facial features and Tutankhamun who was the king of ancient Egypt was also born with a lot of deformities.

Inherited diseases in India

Which were the commonly found inherited diseases found in India recently? Sickle cell disease was the most number of cases which were captured in India. As it was a single-gene disorder which caused a debilitating systemic syndrome. This causes chronic anaemia symptoms among men along with this patients often experience acute painful episodes, organ infarction and chronic organ damage. Due to this the life expectancy among patients decreased.

However, Thalassemia is also a common disease which was observed among children in the gene pool which commonly happens in same-caste marriages in India. Due to this disease, the production of hemoglobin was reduced among people and deformities occurred among them. What is the reason behind this? What do you think? It’s due to mutation. Yes, it has happened in genes. For the alternations and mutation in the genes which were responsible for the production of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin was comprised of mainly alpha and beta chains.

However, the lack of alpha was the reason for alpha thalassemia. On the other hand shortage in the beta causes beta-thalassemia. As per the scientific explanation, both parents carry the thalassemia trait. It chanced that each child carried two abnormal genes 25 per cent, chances of a carrier of these genes were 50 per cent further (thalassemia major) 25 per cent of carry normal genes from the parents. As inheritance of thalassemia was an autosomal recessive pattern. However, it was observed that those who were carriers did not show any complications in their daily life. On the other hand, those who have thalassemia may require frequent blood transfusions.

On the other hand, another genetic disorder is Down syndrome. For the lack of presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21. Normally in a normal person two copies of a chromosome were present. However, for the presence of an extra copy of a chromosome in Down syndrome three copies were present. Due to the abnormal presence of chromosomes, children face physical deformities or intellectual disabilities. In India, it was a common disorder which was reported.

Indian government initiatives for the maintenance of inherited diseases

The maintenance of these rare inherited diseases was essential to counterpart these challenges and eradicate them from India. The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) in the year of 2019 started a new scheme to manage these diseases and deformities among newborn children. Through the Management of Inherited Disorders (UMMID) scheme, the government have set three components which were 5 NIDAN (National Inherited Diseases Administration) Kendras which were mainly genetic testing laboratories. These were established in the government hospitals.

Along with this under the second division in 9 aspirational districts prenatal and newborn screening were established which were maintained by 7 premier research institutions of India. Additionally, under the last component, the government is considering organizing 6 training centers for government doctors for genetic diagnostics and counselling.

On the other hand, the government further considering to organize PRaGeD mission (Mission on Pediatric Rare Genetic Disorders). The aim of this mission was to run a countrywide screening program with 20 other institutions which support decoding the genetic mutation which causes these diseases or deformities among children. Through these initiatives, the government of India were trying to identify the causes of these diseases which were effective in controlling these rare disorders. Additionally, the institutions which were involved in this mission were DBT’s autonomous institutions like the National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG), Kalyani, West Bengal and the Centre for DNA Fingerprinting & Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad, Telangana. These institutions provide genetic testing services to identify the genetic disorders.

Moreover, along with this, the government of India is required to increase awareness among people regarding the side effects of same-caste marriage and gene pool along with this required to promote Inter-caste marriages for better genetic diversification. Additionally, it was helpful for the growth of the human race and supports minimizing the number of birth deformities.


Yes, there is a scientific link. When people from the same caste marry, they are more likely to share similar genetic traits. This can increase the chances of their offspring inheriting recessive genetic disorders, which can lead to birth deformities.

What are some common genetic disorders associated with same-caste marriages?

Some common genetic disorders associated with same-caste marriages include sickle cell anaemia, thalassemia, and Down syndrome. These disorders can cause various health problems, including anaemia, intellectual disability, and physical deformities.

What do ancient Indian texts say about same-caste marriages?

While the Rig Veda did not strictly enforce same-caste marriages, it did suggest marrying within one’s varna (social class). The Manusmriti, on the other hand, advised against marrying outside one’s caste, citing potential social issues and deformities.

Why were royal families in history prone to birth deformities?

Royal families often practiced inbreeding, which can significantly increase the risk of genetic disorders and birth deformities. Examples include the Habsburgs and the Ptolemaic Egyptians.

What is the Indian government doing to address the issue of genetic disorders?

The Indian government has implemented various initiatives to address genetic disorders, such as the Management of Inherited Disorders (UMMID) scheme and the PRaGeD mission. These initiatives aim to provide genetic testing, counselling, and screening services to identify and manage genetic disorders. Additionally, the government is promoting inter-caste marriages to encourage genetic diversity and reduce the risk of birth deformities.

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Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025