Beyond the Physical: The Latent Possibilities of Kundalini Awakening

By Team Unread Why

What if I told you that there is a dimension within you that, if reached, can make you Godly with unfathomable abilities that are often unusual and absent in normal humans? 

What is Kundalini awakening?

The term Kundalini refers to a “coiled snake” which lies dormant in the base of our spine in a region known as “Muladhara”. It is also referred to as a divine feminine energy called “Shakti”, which rises to reach “Shiva”, as known as the “divine or eternal consciousness” in yogic literature. When awakened, the energy travels through the “Sushumna Nadi”, considered the central energy system of the human body, to reach “Sahasrara”, or the seventh primary chakra.

In the process, a number of other chakras known as “Svadhisthana”, “Manipura”, “Anahata”, “Vishuddha”, and “Ajna” are also activated, which tends to create a sense of bliss or divine entanglement of the human body with the cosmos or the Universe. The transformation caused in the process is believed to enhance psychic capabilities and also make a human reach its true potential and a state that is beyond physical limitations. The practices associated with the Kundalini Awakening are diverse, along with the experiences that one has after successful transformation.

How can it be attained?

Well, there are many practices that promise you an awakened Kundalini, but not all of them are valid. You see when Kundalini is awakened by force, it disrupts your physical body, and you may face symptoms such as irritation, paresthesia, dizziness, headache, and so on. Basically, you will feel like a possessed individual who has no control over the ways in which your body is reacting to certain changes. However, with proper supervision and carefully structured yogic practices, one can surely reach the state without facing such symptoms or consequences, respectively.  

If you look into yogic texts and Indic literature based on Kundalini’s awakening, you will see that the process is not vastly mentioned and described. It is something which eventually happens when you follow a disciplined spiritual life. You must follow certain systematic steps through which the chakras in your body are awakened gradually, mainly through meditation, Yoga, tantric rituals, chanting mantras and so on.

Often described by spiritual gurus like Sadhguru (Jagadish Vasudev) or tantric practitioners like Rajarshi Nandy, the process by itself is something that happens when your body is capable of handling such immense energy. If you want a quick process, you always seek the assistance of a skilled and experienced guru who is aware of the consequences and how such consequences can be handled for your physical and psychological well-being.   

The physical manifestations of Kundalini Awakening

Noticeable symptoms during practice

Shannahoff-Khalsa, D. S. (2004). An introduction to Kundalini yoga meditation techniques that are specific for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. The Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine10(1), 91-101. 

Devi, S. K., Chansauria, J. P. N., & Udupa, K. N. (1986). Mental depression and kundalini yoga. Ancient science of life6(2), 112-118. 

The comments section of many YouTube videos related to “Kundalini Awakening” shows people who have had tremendous experiences while going through this process. Most of these experiences sound scary as you slowly lose your mind, and your perception of reality or what is real completely changes. However, a few physical symptoms that you might face are energy sensations, such as an upsurge of energy rising through the spine. Your hands and feet start to tingle, and your skin burns, which can lead to panic and strokes. You enter a state of madness as you see your body behaving abruptly and reacting in a way which is not simply normal.

The latter experiences are completely different from the initial experience as you go into a state of bliss and peace at first, which lasts for a short period of time, and then you collapse. Now, all these are hypothetical as I myself have never done it or ever thought of doing it in the long term. I think the experiences sound scary and scarier if you do not have a capable individual who can guide you on the right track or pull you back from the void which you have entered or the bottomless pit that you have just jumped into.

How does it affect health and mental stability?

Hofmann, L. (2013). The impact of Kundalini Yoga on concepts and diagnostic practice in psychology and psychotherapy. In Yoga traveling: Bodily practice in transcultural perspective (pp. 81-106). Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing. 

Now, there are many positive symptoms as well, such as enhanced vitality, better mental clarity, heightened perception, improved emotional balance and so on. But you must do it gradually by spending more time with a Guru that you trust and by following proper spiritual practice, such as Yoga and meditation offered by them.  

You must avoid group gatherings, as it can make you go crazy and can make you feel like a Ghost who got possessed and has no idea how to come out of it. You can also end up in a psychiatric hospital if you force the process, as you will start hearing voices and seeing things which are not visible to the human eye. It is recommended that individuals read books like “Kundalini Awakening: A Gentle Guide to Chakra Activation and Spiritual Growth” by S.D. Ruchira and “The Kundalini Experience: Psychosis or Transcendence?” by Ruth H.S. Griffiths to understand the full extent of this practice and the consequences involved.

Need for structured practices

Judd, J. N. (1999). The Green Serpent and the Tree: Kabbala and Kundalini Yoga. Xlibris Corporation. 

As I said, the process can be blissful only if you are disciplined and on the right track under the guidance of someone who is experienced and efficient. Without proper discipline, you will fall apart and become more destabilized than you were before. You never want that as the ultimate point of spirituality is to have things under control, not to lose your mind or to do things that are abnormal, paranormal and whatnot.

Importance of favourable environments

It is important to perform yogic practices and rituals relating to Kundalini awakening in controlled environments and in distant places that are far from the social realm. It is because the social space, which includes family and friends, is very distracting and can make you inconsistent. Moreover, you never want them to see the things that will happen to you once the process is initiated, which can be disturbing and can possibly make you end up in a psychiatric hospital. You never want such things to happen.  

What do we experience after transformation?

Maxwell, R. W., & Katyal, S. (2022). Characteristics of Kundalini-Related Sensory, Motor, and Affective Experiences During Tantric Yoga Meditation. Frontiers in Psychology13, 863091. 

Our awareness of the Universe and the ways in which it affects us as humans increases significantly in the process. You acknowledge that we all are a part of our creator, who guides us and leads us in the right direction. Normally, a sense of profound tranquillity is found, and a distance is created between our body and our mind.

It is observed that people, after transformation, become more creative and innovative, which in turn raises their value in society and the community. You also become more compassionate and kind to people and things around you. You start treating everyone equally and value life irrespective of its form or origin. Simply put, you transform into a responsible human being who is aware and conscious of things that they do and how they affect people around them.

Your devotion towards the creator enhances manifold as you become more aware of the existence of forces that drive you towards it. You also attain a feat in your spiritual journey as you become more conscious and detached from society and from close social circles. All these experiences are not personal, you see, but experiences of profound mystics and spiritual individuals who have walked this planet. Their devotion towards the divine shows how we all are connected to the ultimate source of creation, God, and how it influences us to become what we become. 

What do we experience when the transformation goes wrong?

Morrison, K., & Dwarika, V. (2022). Trauma survivors’ experiences of kundalini yoga in fostering posttraumatic growth. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma15(3), 821-831. 

The negative symptoms, as previously discussed, are drastic as they lead to emotional distress, confusion, psychological disorientation, depression, anxiety and so on. A lot of physical symptoms are also noticed, such as fatigue, severe headaches and increased physical discomfort. A New practitioner also becomes more and more detached from their previous beliefs of spirituality, which leaves a void of unpractical thinking and unrealistic perception. The existential realm makes no sense as one starts perceiving life as meaningless and unfit for long-term survival. In many cases, the process has been responsible for making people suicidal and incapable of understanding the true possibilities of life and how it’s relevant.  


Well, in the end, it can be said that spirituality is a vast subject, and processes like Kundalini’s awakening hold immense value. However, such processes are not mentioned in Vedic and Yogic literature as these are not something that everyone can do. One must understand the significance of Gurus, as they are the ones who often guide an individual on the right track and through processes like these in a well-articulated manner.

Anyone intending to take part in such practices is recommended to seek expert guidance and also look for existing practitioners who have knowledge regarding Gurus who are familiar with it. One must value sanity as it is the most important thing for us to stay relevant and act normal around people that we love and care about. It is also our responsibility to understand spirituality as it is all about gaining balance and losing it.


What is Kundalini awakening?

The term Kundalini refers to a “coiled snake” which lies dormant in the base of our spine in a region known as “Muladhara”. It is also referred to as a divine feminine energy called “Shakti”, which rises to reach “Shiva”, as known as the “divine or eternal consciousness” in yogic literature. When awakened, the energy travels through the “Sushumna Nadi”, considered the central energy system of the human body, to reach “Sahasrara”, or the seventh primary chakra.

What happens in the process of Kundalini awakening?

The latter experiences are completely different from the initial experience as you go into a state of bliss and peace at first, which lasts for a short period of time, and then you collapse.

Can we go insane while partaking in Kundalini yoga practices?

The comments section of many YouTube videos related to “Kundalini Awakening” shows people who have had tremendous experiences while going through this process. Most of these experiences sound scary as you slowly lose your mind, and your perception of reality or what is real completely changes.

Is Kundalini Yoga a dark practice?

The experiences sound scary and scarier if you do not have a capable individual who can guide you on the right track or pull you back from the void which you have entered or the bottomless pit that you have just jumped into

What are the experiences after Kundalini awakening?

Now, there are many positive symptoms as well, such as enhanced vitality, better mental clarity, heightened perception, improved emotional balance and so on. But you must do it gradually by spending more time with a Guru that you trust and by following proper spiritual practice, such as Yoga and meditation offered by them.  

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