Mpox has become a global threat.
The world has faced numerous health crises in recent years. The most significant issue is the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected the people. While the world was dealing with COVID-19, another virus-related disease, Mpox (formerly known as monkeypox), began to surface in numerous parts of the world, raising concerns about its possibility of becoming a global threat. However, in Central and West Africa, though initially limited to remote areas, Mpox has exceeded borders, spreading to countries that had never before reported cases.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently started a global health emergency due to an important surge in Mpox cases, mainly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). However, this new eruption, determined by a more deadly strain known as clade 1b, has spread to bordering African countries like Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda, which have not before reported Mpox cases. As per the expert, it is also believed that true number of the cases to be higher as a large amount of clinically compatible cases have not been tested. It has also been a matter of concern because the spread of this new strain is much faster and deadlier than the preceding outbreak.
The Origins and History of Mpox
The Mpox virus causes this viral zoonotic disease of Mpox, which is a member of the Orthopoxvirus genus. However, this virus also includes the variola virus, which is responsible for smallpox. In 1958, this disease was first identified in colonies of monkeys when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred. However, it was kept for research, hence the name “monkeypox”. However, this disease has been endemic in several Central and West African countries since the first human case was found in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

This virus started to transfer primarily to humans from animals, with the primates and rodents being the most likely reservoirs. However, with close contact with respiratory secretion, skin cuts of an infected person, or recently contaminated objects, transmission also occurs from human to human. However, with similar symptoms of smallpox, like fever, rash, and swollen lymph nodes, the disease has been revealed but is generally less severe.
The Recent Global Outbreak
Across the globe, this Mpox virus has rapidly expanded to countries that previously had little or no history of the virus. In remote parts of Central and West Africa, this Mpox was predominantly an endemic disease if we look back to history. However, the virus has spread to over 116 countries since 2022, resulting in more than 99,000 reported cases and 208 deaths internationally.
Therefore, in the year 2024, various new cases were identified, which is over 15600 and 537 people died as per the report. However, it has been observed that the WHO has stated seven public health emergencies in the past, counting one for Mpox in 2022. However, the type of Mpox that is mixing now is known to be more deadly than the kind that removed the globe two years ago.
Moreover, by several factors, the global spread of Mpox has been driven including increased global travel, climate change, weakened public health infrastructures and deforestation, in many parts of the world. The ability of the virus to spread quickly among the individual, coupled with its persistence in the environment, makes it a formidable public health challenge.
Factors contributing to the global threats
Due to several interrelated factors global threats have been posed by the Mpox. To regions far from its widespread zones in Central and West Africa, the comfort of international travel has enabled the rapid spread of the virus. However, leading to more frequent zoonotic spillovers, urbanization, and deforestation have increased human-wildlife connections. Climate change is shifting the homes of animal reservoirs, bringing them closer to human populations. However, weak healthcare infrastructures struggle to manage outbreaks in many affected regions, allowing the virus to continue and spread.
Moreover, as access to protective actions remains limited, the vaccine disparities further worsen the situation, mainly in low-income countries. However, it has been analysed that the close of smallpox vaccination has left large portions of the global people weak to Mpox. Therefore, as combined with inadequate public health preparation and international organisation, these factors contribute to the rapid appearance of Mpox as an important global health threat. A comprehensive, coordinated global response is required to address these challenges to mitigate the impact of Mpox and prevent its further spread.
Public Health Implication
As we know, the public health implications have demanded immediate and coordinated action to the profound global spread of Mpox. However, to detect and respond to outbreaks promptly the need for healthy surveillance and monitoring systems is critical. To track the virus’s spread, countries must improve their capacity and ensure that public health interferences are both timely and targeted. It has also been observed that the growth and equitable delivery of vaccines are also vital.
Moreover, there is a crucial need to hurry production and safeguard that vaccines spread to vulnerable populations globally, with vaccine availability limited, mainly in low-income countries. Another key priority is the strengthening of the healthcare system, especially in the areas with under-resourced infrastructure. Therefore, managing and treating the cases effectively involves improving diagnostics abilities, ensuring the availability of important medical supplies and training healthcare workers.
To address the Mpox threat international collaboration is important. However, it is also important for all the countries to share the various information, expertise and resources with organizations like WHO which plays a central role in coordinating efforts. Moreover, public consciousness and effective communication are also important, helping to educate the public about the infection, its signs, and precautionary measures.
Challenges Ahead
As we know, there are various obstacles that the global is going to face, especially the limitation of the resources, which is a major hurdle. It has also been observed that the nations which are low-income face a shortage of healthcare workers, vaccines and diagnostic tools which make it difficult for them to respond effectively to outbreaks.
Vaccine hesitancy also presents a substantial barrier. Moreover, mistrust in public health interferences can lead to low vaccination rates even when vaccines are obtainable, undermining efforts to control the virus’s spread. Given the global nature of the outbreak, Cross-border transmission is another challenge. Therefore, to avoid the virus from moving between countries, coordinated global efforts are vital but logistical and party-political barriers often confuse such collaboration.
Moreover, underreporting and stigmatization can unclear the true measure of the outbreak. In many areas, fear of societal stigma or a lack of consciousness leads to cases going unreported. Therefore, it usually hampers the ability of the public health authorities to respond properly. Moreover, in public health infrastructure, global cooperation, and community engagement, these problems highlight the need for sustained investment to achieve and ultimately overcome the Mpox threat. Therefore, while preventing Mpox from becoming more entrenched, addressing these issues is crucial in the global health crisis.
Therefore, by challenging public health systems worldwide, Mpox has emerged as a global threat. The factors contributing to its spread are multifaceted and complicated, involving ecological, social, and financial dimensions. To address this threat, it is important to coordinate and comprehensively respond to the global response and involve vaccine development, international corporations, etc.
As we know, the world has already faced a drastic disease before, which has affected the entire world, and many people have died. Therefore, it is important to keep ourselves safe from this threat. As the world endures to deal with the experiments of developing infectious diseases, Mpox helps as a stark reminder of the importance of global health safety. By enduring vigilant, flexible, and proactive, we can alleviate the effect of Mpox and defend global public health.
What is Mpox?
Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is a viral zoonotic disease caused by the Mpox virus, a member of the Orthopoxvirus genus.
How is Mpox transmitted?
It is transmitted through close contact with the infected person, contaminated materials as well as animals. It is also transmitted from human to human via various ways like skin lesions, direct contact with bodily fluid etc.
What are the symptoms of Mpox?
Fever, rash (which can progress to pus-filled lesions), muscle aches, back pain, swollen lymph nodes, and general malaise are some of the symptoms of Mpox.
Is there a vaccine for Mpox?
Yes, the Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) vaccine can provide protection against Mpox.
What should I do if I suspect I have Mpox?
It is important to isolate yourself to prevent spreading the virus and seek medical attention immediately.
Why is Mpox considered a global threat?
Due to its rapid spread to over 116 countries, Mpox is considered a global threat. However, there is an emergence of more infectious strains and a lack of widespread immunity among the global population.
Where can I get more information about Mpox?
Visit the World Health Organization (WHO) website for more information or consult your local public health authority for guidance and updates on Mpox.