Nancy Tyagi and her 20 kg gown, stitched with utter devotion

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Nancy Tyagi and her 20 kg gown

Nancy Tyagi, unlike any other major fashion celebrity, breaks the Internet with a self-stitched 20kg gown at Cannes 2024

Those of you who are following the updates of Cannes 2024, must have come across an unfamiliar name Nancy Tyagi. Now, who is she? Why is her outlook so significant in the event? What does it signify? How is it different from than rest of the other counterparts?

Who is Nancy Tyagi?

First, we must identify this individual, Nancy Tyagi, and learn a little about her interests and sky-touching ambitions. Nancy Tyagi is a recognized Indian content creator and social media influencer who claims to be a self-taught fashion designer. She made her debut at the Cannes 2024 Film Festival with a pink fudged gown that weighed approximately 20 kg. The digital content creator belongs from Baranwa, Uttar Pradesh, who has claimed to have stitched and precisely designed the overall dress all by herself. Surprisingly, it took her almost a month to complete the stitching process, which required 1000 meters of fabric.

Significance of her outlook

Celebrities and influencers who enter shows like Cannes 2024 tend to have their designer who makes a dress solely for the occasion, with a team backing the approach. However, Nancy Tyagi did all that by herself. Despite the challenges, Nancy Tyagi could pull out a look that some critics proclaim equivalent to or sometimes better than what other celebrities wore at the event. But one must also acknowledge the level of commitment required to pull off a stunt like this. Compared to other celebrities, who often have a team to pick up their dress and support them on the red carpet, Nancy Tyagi was like no other.

Many stars like Sonam Kapoor and Uorfi Javed became her cheerleaders and supported her on social media. Nancy is widely known for her DIY skills and has over 1.3 million followers on Instagram.

Her commitment to fashion

Credit: Brut India (

Nancy Tyagi made her dress, carried her dress, and spoke affluently without any hesitation in her national language, Hindi, without thinking about what impression it would create in an international film festival like Cannes 2024, wherein people visiting the event always verbalize in English as the universal language.

One must also not forget the intensity of the dress that Nancy Tyagi wore, as it was an elegant gown covered with the shade of pink with pink high gloves complimenting the overall outlook. The exceptional design and the impressive finish exudes excellence and a sense of embodied perfection. It is a dress that holds so much value and is so atypical when one measures its worth in terms of individual efforts and commitment.  

Well, she did not stop at one

Credit: Editorji (

About 21 hours ago, Nancy Tyagi again posted about the second outfit she made for the Cannes 2024 Film Festival on her Instagram account. This time, she stitched a violet saree, which trails off with a long tail and a hoodie. The recent video she uploaded featured her efforts to create this masterpiece by hand-picking the fabric and assembling the layering of the beads and the clothing materials used in the process. The exceptional hand embroidery and the carefully developed Saree were unique, memorable, and extraordinary.

One always stops to look at its beauty and utters, “How?” How can someone develop two outfits of this magnitude in 1 month? The secret lies with Nancy Tyagi, who signifies herself as the craftswoman of the era. She also teaches a fundamental lesson: “We must not give up,” as efforts determine the value of outcomes, not the outlook or the outer appearance. Nancy Tyagi and her efforts also teach us the value of perseverance and utter ambition, as these two elements are significant in facilitating an individual’s growth against major odds.

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