Transhumanism refers to the mobilization in which technologies have been used to improve the capabilities of both the human mind and body. This mobilization envisions a future where innovations like artificial intelligence (AI), genetic engineering, biotechnology, and more are harnessed to improve the mental capacities of humans.
Transhumanism is a modern ideology that primarily focuses on transcending human physical and mental limitations by utilizing technology to its full potential. The movement of this ideology was primarily initiated as a scientific movement in the US.
The advocates of this ideology believe that the current form of humans is not the final iteration. Technological advancements like biotechnology, nanotechnology, and cognitive science will lead to a technologically advanced version of humanity.
Several tech leaders are showing their interest in transhumanism. One of the popular tech leaders, Elon Musk accentuates the need for humans to merge with AI to achieve a symbiosis. Several other prominent figures believe in this ideology including Neuralink, Google, PayPal, SpaceX, and more.
Transhumanism highlights three concepts superintelligence, super longevity, and super happiness. This ideology is aimed at eliminating ageing, disease, and death. It improves the cognitive emotional and physical capacities of humans.
Several transhumanists have the imagination of designer babies, anti-ageing technology, artificial wombs and more. China has shown progress in transhumanism. They developed an AI-powered nanny to care for human fetuses in an artificial womb.
Mark O’Connell wrote the book “To Be a Machine”, in which he captured the mobilization’s goals. In simple terms, he highlighted this mobilization aims to stop ageing, prevent the body from causing death, improve human bodies and minds with technology and ultimately merge humans with technology.
Historically there are several technologies including wooden legs, spectacles, hearing aids and more to enhance human capabilities. However, this ideology visualizes a future where sophisticated technologies including robotics, automation, implants, AI and more will enable improved sensory perception and cognitive abilities through memory chips. The ultimate aim of transhumanism is to create “superhumans” with advanced intelligence and capabilities.

The evolution of transhumanism
In the year 1957, Julian Huxley popularised the concept of transhumanism through his essay. Julian Huxley was one of the popular English biologists, author, educator and philosopher of that period. He believed that social institutions could replace natural evaluation to improve humanity.
Huxley wrote several essays on humanism, biology and evolution. With his fellow scientists and eugenicists JBS Haldane, Huxley got engaged in technological prediction, reproductive technologies, speculating on space travel and more.
The concept of “father of cryonics” was explored by Robert Ettinger during the period of World War II. According to the concepts human bodies can be frozen and stored at low temperatures. In 1965 he published a book “The Prospect of Immortality” through which he wanted to grab the attention of his readers towards cryonics theory. During that period the book was translated into 11 different languages, although the book failed to create interest among the majority of the people.
However, with the advent of space travel, computer technology and the cryopreservation of human eggs and embryos a movement started to transcend humans through technology. In the 1980s period, the movement of transhumanism got momentum when several schools and organisations started to form with thoughts like space colonization, futurism, human life extension and more.
Moreover, one of the significant steps taken by American Engineer K. Eric Drexler. Based on the future potential of nanotechnology and molecular manufacturing, Drexler wrote the book “Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology”. During that period an interest in the evaluation of nanotechnology and bioengineering arose among people.
Drexler imagined a world where technologies can be used to cure human cells, diseases and more. With the spreading of information on nanotechnology among people, they started to believe in the possibilities of nanotechnology in rebuilding human health and increasing longevity. From here, the movement of transhumanism started a huge momentum.
In a similar period, Natasha Vita-More, an American conceptual artist, published “Transhumanist Arts Statement”. Through this art, she wanted to highlight her imagination of human evolution through science, aesthetics and technology.
Entering in the era of 1990s, a libertarian branch of transhumanism, promoted “extropianism”. This concept emphasizes the use of technology to overcome human limitations.
The British philosopher, Max More, introduces the term “extropy”. This term refers to growth, progress and tendency towards improvement. Max More later co-founded the Extropy Institute with the help of Tom W. Bell, an American philosopher.
The main motive of extropian was to advocate freedom and self-direction through technology. They envisioned a future where all the limitations of humans can be overcome and all the potential of human beings can be explored by integrating technologies.
In 1998, the World Transhumanist Association (WTA) was founded by Nick Bostrom and David Pearce. This association raises awareness among the public about technological advancement. To promote transhumanism and describe its benefits, Foresight Institute, Extropy Institute and Immortality Institute merged.
During the year 2004, Bostrom and James Hughes founded the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technology to promote the ideology that technology can be merged with humans for the enhancement of life. In 2008, the Institute was rebranded with the name of Humanity+.
Transhumanism ideology got support from Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. In 2013, Larry Page, the co-founder of Google launched Calico Labs to expand human lifespan through technologies. In 2015, Elon Musk showed his support through $10 million donations to the Future of Life Institute.
Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder invested $3 billion in Altos Labs to support the ideology. In 2022, Synchron, a brain-chip company, successfully implanted a chip in an ALS patient’s brain. This chip allowed them to communicate through modern devices using thoughts alone.
The technological driver behind transhumanism
In order to overcome the biological limitation and reshape the human condition, there are several technological drivers behind transhumanism. In fields like AI, AGI, biotechnology, nanotechnology, cognitive science, cryonics and more, this ideology envisions human transformation into a more advanced version.
Artificial Intelligence
The AI aims to enhance cognitive abilities among humans. In genetic engineering and gene therapy, the AI has a great potential. Moreover, AI-powered data visualisation tools, collaborated workspace, writing assistance and more enhance the analytical and creative thinking of humans.
For instance, by using AI, several brain chips have been formed to restore lost neurological function, build direct connections between the human brain and AI and more. Elon Musk has a great interest in it, and his Neurolink launched a brain-computer interface to help people with neurological disorders, enable communication for paralyzed patients and more.
Neurolink also invented robotic surgeries through which devices can be implanted in the brain with precision and minimal invasiveness. Through this robotic system, it became easier to safely insert tiny and flexible electrodes into specific parts of the brain. Through these implantations, several cognitive functions can be easily enhanced, and neurological disorders can be treated.
Artificial General Intelligence
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is a developed version of AI. AGI can solve issues in different domains including human-like reasoning, without manual interventions. Because of the constant development of AGI, it became possible to develop new skills by merging with technology.
AGI can help communicate telepathically, manipulate objects through thought and instantly access information. The advancement of AGI can open the door to human revolution. It has the potential to transform the process of reacting with the world and extend the human potential beyond its limits.
Several tech companies like DeepMind, OpenAI and Anthropic are competing to construct an AGI which can think like humans and react like humans without any manual intervention.
Biotechnology is one of the key areas driving super longevity in humans. To extend human lifespan by eliminating incurable diseases biotechnology plays a crucial role. Genome editing and genetic engineering are a part of biotechnology.
Four types of biotechnology have been found including clinical biotechnology, marine biotechnology, natural biotechnology and ultramodern biotechnology. In clinical biotechnologies, there are gene therapies, diagnostic tools, personalised medicine and more. In marine biotechnology there are aquaculture, pharmaceuticals and more. Harnessing plants, microorganisms and more comes under the natural biotechnology. AI-driven biotechnology, synthetic biology and more come under ultramodern biotechnology allowing for solving issues in bioenergy, biomanufacturing and more areas.
The CRISPR technology is a gene editing technology. It helps in precisely cutting DNA and then utilizing the natural DNA repair process of the body to modify the gene as desired. The Cas9 enzyme and a guide RNA are used as the core components for this gene therapy.
In science, nanotechnology refers to the understanding and manipulation of matters at a nanoscale. The nanoscale refers to the dimensions that have a range between 1 and 100 nanometers. It can enhance human capabilities through precise modification at the molecular level.
The transhumanist has a vision that the development of nanotechnology can help humans to overcome their limitations. Nanobots, an example of nanotechnology, have the capability of repairing damaged tissues, fighting diseases and improving cognitive skills in humans by making it easier to become superhuman.
Silver nanoparticles are often used on socks and T-shirts to kill odorous bacteria, leading to less washing needs. These nanoparticles are also used in wood to protect furniture from fungi and pests. For instance, the nano-silver is also used in the medical field for wound dressing and coating.
Cognitive science
Through cognitive science, it can be understood how people perceive the world, learn new skills, process information and make decisions. Neuroscience and cognitive science can help to enhance the mental capacities of human beings.
Cognitive augmentation can help to improve the cognitive activities of humans. This can be achieved through a brain-computer interface, where human brains can be understood by merging it with technology in real-time.
Because of advancements in cognitive science, the idea of mind upholding became popular. Several tech companies are working on transforming a person’s biological body into synthetic hardware through which humans can live longer as they desire.
Ethics and Philosophy
Francis Fukuyama, a political theorist of America, called transhumanism “the world’s most dangerous idea.” Like Fukuyama, several other critics show their concerns that this idea can increase inequalities in society. The developed economies that get access to transhumanist technologies might create superior rights over those economies that do not have access to such technologies. In that case, a great imbalance can be occurred in the world.
It has been also predicted by some experts that after transhumanism, humans will be divided into two species enhanced and un-enhanced. The thought processes of these two species might be different. This can cause social clashes, famine, wars and more.
Some people can resist this ideology because of their religious beliefs. The sanctity of human life in its natural form has been found as a core belief in different religions. In that case, the people who follow their religions and philosophies might create ethical debates about the ideology.
Several tech companies are not addressing the social and environmental harms caused by advanced technologies. It argues that tech companies often prefer to divert government and public attention towards speculative future risks rather than confronting the actual issues. AGI can cause harm like job displacement, environmental impacts, bias in algorithms and more.
Some critics also compared the transhumanism to the eugenics movement. The fear of creating superhumans is rooted in the eugenics’ historical abuses. In the eugenics movement, it was perceived that through transhumanist technologies selective population can transform into superhumans which can lead to discrimination, human rights violations and unethical practices.
Transhumanist technologies like synthetic hormones and adaptive technologies raise several ethical questions. The ethical questions included who can access these enhancements and for what purposes. This practice can blur the line between medical necessity and enhancement.
Ray Kurzweil has suggested that AI will lead to a future where machines surpass human intelligence in his book “The Age of Spiritual Machines (1999).” He also emphasized that AI machines will not replace humans rather they will help humans to enhance their cognitive functions. The human brain is developed with billions of neurons which makes it difficult to completely control the cognitive functions with these machines.
In his book written in 2005, “The Singularity Is Near” Kurzweil describes the ideology of singularity. According to the singularity ideology, technology will get so advanced in the future that it can potentially erase the boundary between humanity and computers.
By exploring the potential risks of AI, in 2023, Elon Musk and other AI experts had to sign an open letter for taking a pause on AI research for six months. This pause was taken for a time period until responsible AI and regulations have not been established.
Stephen Hawking also expressed his concerns previously about the rapid development of AI. He warned about an uncontrollable situation when AI development surpasses human intelligence which can cause a huge threat to humanity. He believed that AI needs to be carefully managed to extract the full potential of it.
Posthumanism and beyond
Posthumanism is a complex and multifaceted framework that challenges the traditional understanding of human beings. The ideology of transhumanism might lead to a future of humanity where the line between human and machine is blurred. A new paradigm of existence will be created in the posthuman era.
A huge change in the posthuman era can be easily understood by observing the technological shifts in the current time. McDonald’s robotic cooks and servers, Amazon’s thermal cameras for temperature checking of their workers, delivery robots like Nuro and Starships and more serve as an example of automation.
Robots and AI are taking on several tasks that are traditionally performed by humans and displaced them. It might be possible that, in the posthuman era we do not have conventional employment structures like now. As AI is taking incredible roles to perform basic jobs like customer service, delivery service, manufacturing and more, in the future humans do not need to find a job for their survival.
With transhumanist technologies like nanotechnology, biotechnology and more humans can enhance their health, longevity and cognitive function for which immortality can be achieved. Cities in the posthuman era will be smartly connected which streamlines urban living.
The transportation system will be fully enhanced and autonomous vehicles can reduce pollution and environmental impacts. Efficient and optimised logistics systems can be achieved through advanced drone and robotics delivery.
However, the future of humanity can also possess some ethical dilemmas. The violation of human rights, discrimination, inequality and more can be concerns in the posthuman era. Moreover, if technologies fully transform human jobs then laziness in human behavior may become prevalent which can reduce the sense of purpose.
3) Transhumanism seeks to realize a posthuman condition. Essentially, this movement is about replacing the organic consciousness of humans with artificially intelligent hybrids or cyborgs.
That’s a hard pass from me.
— Anonymous Sage (@AnonymousSage1) November 28, 2019
Transhumanism in popular culture
In the popular culture, the transhumanism has taken an emerging place. By using several mediums like movies, literature, video games and more transhumanism has been significantly portrayed in front of audiences.
Movies have always been a significant platform from where several possibilities and consequences of the future and technology can be explored. The ideology of singularity and its potential impact on the human race can be explored through movies like “The Matrix”, “Transcendence” and more. These movies present a narration where consciousness merges with machines and shows the potential issues of creating uncontrollable superintelligent entities.
Movies like “Her”, “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” and the like efficiently portray immortality. These movies show us the emotional and psychological results of human relationships and identity.
Moreover, the “Ghost in the Shell” launched in 1995 explored the theory of cybernetic enhancement and human consciousness merging with technologies. The movie emphasized a philosophical question about the nature of the identity of humans and the potential impact of technological advancement on society.
In some television series “Black Mirror”, “Altered Carbon” and more, the drastic consequences of technology playing the alternate role of human experiences have been shown. Moral quandaries and technological dependency’s potential consequences were highlighted in this series.
For several decades artists have been trying to portray transhumanism through books, arts, paintings and more. The most recent literature piece has been served through a novel, “Frankenstein” written by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelly and published in 1818. In this novel, Victor Frankenstein, a young scientific character, becomes obsessed with being immortal by using chemistry. However, it has a tragic end.
The transhumanist concept is also investigated in artworks like “Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom” written by Cory Doctorow, “Machines Like Me” by Ian McEwan and more. These novels have shown the posthuman era, where individuals wanted to gain immortality through digital consciousness and the ethical dilemmas of these decisions also.
Another masterpiece was written by Flann O’Brien, “The Third Policeman”. This novel explores the nature of the existence of humans. The narrator of this novel experiences identity complexities, philosophical questions surrounding reality and more which reflects the posthuman era.
Video Games
Nowadays the video game industry has been expanding significantly and investing in making their graphics realistic. However, video games have been exploring transhumanist themes and oftentimes provide a glimpse of the future world.
Some of the famous games developed on the theme of transhumanism are “Deus Ex”, “Cyberpunk 2077”, “Detroit: Become Human” and more. The players have to navigate a world where societies are divided based on augmented and non-augmented factors. The players need to solve issues like identity, discrimination and more. The “Cyberpunk 2077” explores the theme of societal obsession with body modification and the ethical implications of human enhancement.
Another game on transhumanism is “Detroit: Become Human” where the destiny of mankind and androids have been put in the player’s hands. It generally represents a picture of a posthuman era where machines became more intelligent than humans.
What is transhumanism?
Transhumanism refers to the mobilization in which technologies have been used to improve the capabilities of both the human mind and body.
What is posthumanism?
Posthumanism is a complex and multifaceted framework that challenges the traditional understanding of human beings. The ideology of transhumanism might lead to a future of humanity where the line between human and machine is blurred.
What is the ethical dilemma regarding transhumanism?
It has been also predicted by some experts that after transhumanism, humans will be divided into two species enhanced and un-enhanced. The thought processes of these two species might be different. This can cause social clashes, famine, wars and more.
What are some games based on transhumanism?
Some of the famous games developed on the theme of transhumanism are “Deus Ex”, “Cyberpunk 2077”, “Detroit: Become Human” and more.
Who started the concept of transhumanism?
In the year 1957, Julian Huxley popularised the concept of transhumanism through his essay.
What are the main goals of transhumanism?
Transhumanism highlights three concepts superintelligence, super longevity, and super happiness.
What is nanotechnology?
In science, nanotechnology refers to the understanding and manipulation of matters at a nanoscale.
What is biotechnology?
Biotechnology is one of the key areas driving super longevity in humans. To extend human lifespan by eliminating incurable diseases biotechnology plays a crucial role. Genome editing and genetic engineering are a part of biotechnology.
What is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?
AGI can solve issues in different domains including human-like reasoning, without manual interventions. Because of the constant development of AGI, it became possible to develop new skills by merging with technology.
How brain chips can help to solve neurological disorders?
By using AI, several brain chips have been formed to restore lost neurological function, build direct connections between the human brain and AI and more.