What Is Causing Obesity To Rise In The American Population?

By Editor Team

As the COVID-19 pandemic receded in 2022, America seems to grapple with another pandemic. This time, it is the rising cases of Obesity that are concerning citizens, health experts and policymakers alike. According to a recent report published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP), over 40 per cent of U.S. adults are now obese. This rate is roughly the same for men and women. Obesity and being overweight are not the same.

To check one’s chance of being obese, one must maintain a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI). According to a definition provided by (CDCP), Body mass index (BMI) is a calculated measure of weight relative to height. For adults, BMI is categorized into underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and Obesity.

Likely Causes of Obesity among the American Population

Lifestyle factors, dietary choices, cultural and environmental factors, and genetic predisposition are some of the probable causes that have resulted in Obesity reaching such alarming proportions among Americans.

Lifestyle factors

Long hours of corporate work culture promote a sedentary lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle without any physical exercise contributes to one’s chance of being obese. This is aggravated by inadequate stress management, as stress results in emotional eating, which contributes to unhealthy weight gain. Moreover, eating out culture and frequent eating in restaurants and cafes also exacerbate the problem.

Dietary Choice

Most Americans rely on processed food instead of cooked meals for their day-to-day dietary need. Over-reliance on restaurants and junk foods containing trans fats has significantly increased the chances of Obesity among young adults as well as the aged population. Moreover, eating out in restaurants where often large portions are served leads to overeating and, thus overconsumption of calories.

Environmental and Cultural Factors

The unavailability of fresh food creates demand and preferences for processed and packaged food items. This is also, to a major extent, to be blamed on the fast life created by modern society. Thus, social and cultural factors exert considerable influence on one’s preference for packaged foods. Besides, aggressive marketing tactics of unhealthy foods and celebrity endorsements of those items, especially sugary drinks, mislead the public and are detrimental to children’s health, who fall easy prey to these misleading advertisements.

Genetic Factors

Genetic predisposition plays a crucial role in determining one’s chance of being obese. Here again, metabolic differences influence one’s weight gain or weight loss chances as certain people may tend to gain weight and find it difficult to lose it.

Preventive Measures

While community initiatives can promote a healthy lifestyle by encouraging physical activity, fostering a network among individuals with similar goals helps in initiating positive behavioural changes. Policy changes in the form of promoting active transportation like walking and cycling and setting up an enabling environment through the creation of cycling zones, cycle parking places and parks in cities can bring about positive changes in the long run.

Generating adequate awareness, especially among the children who are the most vulnerable prey to misleading advertisement campaigns, can help as they are the ones who can begin a positive circle of change. Workplaces must also integrate physical activities as part of the well-being initiatives of their employee as this will not only spark positive changes but also break the sedentary lifestyle that is largely to be blamed for the rising cases of Obesity.

Initiatives by the Government and policymakers to curb the rise in Obesity

The rising cases have led the Government to come up with certain policies. It has initiated a number of regulatory measures to control the proliferation of unhealthy food items. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regularly publish the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which recommend healthy eating practices. The USDA’s MyPlate campaign promotes healthy eating habits and parental control over their children’s nutritional needs. Regulatory measures initiated by some provincial governments have been successful in implementing taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages, which discourage consumption and promote positive behavioural changes among citizens.

In addition to that, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has implemented strict regulations that aim at improving food labelling and thereby make it easier for consumers to make informed choices based on the labeling. This is an important step in curbing misleading labelling practices that companies often dishonestly employ to mislead customers and increase their sales.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has published Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommending regular physical activity for adults and children. Moreover, several community health initiatives are supported and endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) to promote healthy eating and encourage physical activity among the U.S. population. Besides, there are other public health campaigns initiated by public figures to generate adequate awareness about Obesity and the need to maintain a healthy body weight for having a healthy and disease-free life.


1. What are the primary causes of the rising obesity rates in the United States?

The rising obesity rates in the United States can be attributed to a complex interplay of factors, including like lifestyle factors, dietary choices, environmental and cultural factors, genetic factors among others.

2. What are some effective strategies for preventing obesity?

Preventing obesity requires a multifaceted approach that addresses lifestyle, dietary, and environmental factors. Some effective strategies include promoting physical activity, encouraging healthy eating habits, creating supportive environments, generating adequate awareness among others.

3. What role can governments and policymakers play in combating obesity?

Governments and policymakers can play a crucial role in addressing the obesity epidemic by implementing policies that promote healthy eating and physical activity including regulating the food industry, promoting active transportation, and funding public health initiatives along with providing education and awareness campaigns about the importance of healthy lifestyles and the consequences of obesity.

4. How common is obesity among the American population?

According to a recent report published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP), over 40 per cent of U.S. adults are now obese. This rate is roughly the same for men and women.

5. What is BMI?

According to a definition provided by (CDCP), Body mass index (BMI) is a calculated measure of weight relative to height. For adults, BMI is categorized into underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and Obesity.

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Thursday, Jan 30, 2025